Help your therapist help you

A common problem that arises when with counselling in medical settings is that
your counsellormaymake assumptions about the nature of your condition and the
way that it affects you, unless you are able to clearly express your feelings to him
or her.In order to know how you understand the problem, the counsellormay ask for
information about certain key areas regarding your illness experience. It’s often a
good idea to think about this beforehand. For example, you may want to consider
what the skin condition is, its course, duration and possible treatments that might
be associated with it, Also how the condition affects you psychologically, coping with
the condition, its effect on daily activities and on your perception of yourself? It is
important to address these issues. Lack of understanding about your concerns by
the counsellor can lead to problems in the therapeutic relationship and delay the
benefits that you can reap from counselling.


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